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Home Education

Sometimes the best option for families living internationally is to educate their child at home. Home education, also known as homeschooling, can range from highly structured to a completely unstructured approach to educating children at home using a curriculum selected to meet the needs and educational philosophy of the family.
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Getting Started with Home Education

If you’ve decided to educate your child at home while living internationally, you may wonder how to get started. A few steps can help you prepare the educational framework your family needs.
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Documenting High School for Home Education (USA)

For families educating their children at home, documentation is vital. Records of a student’s academic performance throughout their educational experience will help them transfer to traditional schooling (if desired), apply for universities and other post-high school options, and offer evidence of a quality learning environment.
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Transition from Traditional School to Home Education

Transitioning from traditional school to home education is a major life adjustment and involve several phases of adjustment. Your family will need time to adapt to the new situation, new expectations, and new roles.
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Transition from Home Education to Traditional School

Transitioning from home education to traditional schooling is a major life adjustment and involves several phases of adjustment. Your family will need time to adapt to the new situation, new expectations, and new roles.
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Home Education Community Groups by Location

Finding a supportive community is vital to a good experience living in a new culture. It will provide social opportunities for both parents and children and allow you to exchange ideas and advice.
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The Options

For a typical family living internationally, there are three main educational options — local schools, international schools, and home education — which are highlighted below. Some families choose a hybrid model, blending two or more of these options to fully meet their child’s needs.
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Home Education & Legal Issues

The exponential growth of home education around the world is a good sign that more countries are allowing parents the freedom to choose the best educational options for their family.