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Transitions are critical points of major upheaval for all families. Living internationally can add an extra element of stress beyond the typical pressures families face during life changes.
globe with multi ethnic people on it

Living Internationally

More than 258 million people — or 1 in 30 people — now live outside of their passport country. And projections indicate that about 405 million people will be living internationally by 2050.
family looking out from airport

Moving Internationally for the First Time

If it’s the first time your family has lived in another culture, you likely have much to look forward to as you step into this new adventure. But that adventure will also be a challenging time of adjustment. Your family will face a lot of changes — in culture, housing, relationships, school, language, food, currency, and more.
local market

Culture Shock

Families moving to a new country will encounter new cultures. Some of those cultures are indigenous to the new country, and some are foreign to the new country, especially those within the international community. Some of the cultures will be localized to a community such as an international school or workplace.

Returning Home

The return home, also known as repatriation, can turn out to be more difficult than the move to a new culture.