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Apps to Keep Kids Reading

For families living internationally, access to books can be a real challenge. Filling a suitcase with books isn’t so practical, and libraries in your new location may not exist (or don’t offer books in your native language). A great reading app on a mobile device may be the solution your family needs.
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Resources for Christian Workers

A subset of families living internationally are those involved in Christian service. These families have a unique cross-cultural lifestyle and are typically involved in sharing with others about their faith or in service ministries such as education, healthcare, social justice, literacy, or economic development.
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Buying Books Internationally

There are several great book selling sites that offer delivery internationally, sometimes even FREE delivery anywhere in the world.
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Home Education Community Groups by Location

Finding a supportive community is vital to a good experience living in a new culture. It will provide social opportunities for both parents and children and allow you to exchange ideas and advice.
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FREE Educational Resources Online

Numerous free educational resources are available online, and the list below includes some of the best free sites for those living in another culture.
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Transition Seminars & Support

If you are experiencing a major transition as an internationally mobile family, a seminar or coaching session may be helpful.
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Family Counseling & Coaching

Sometimes families need to reach out for help. Whether you’re dealing with a crisis or facing the challenging aspects of living in another culture, counseling or coaching is a good option to support your family.

Family Safety Worksheets

Take some practical steps to protect your family while living internationally. These worksheets help you identify and discuss your family's vulnerabilities.