By World Family Education
Children with learning disabilities may have difficulty in developing listening, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, or mathematical skills. Learning disabilities (LD) are defined as a neurological disorder, according to LD Online, and children that struggle with an LD may need support and educational modifications to achieve success.
Some common symptoms of an LD are:
If a parent or teacher suspects the presence of a learning disability, a professional educational evaluation is needed to determine the exact areas of weakness and to develop a program to strengthen those areas and maximize the student’s learning potential.
A good pediatrician or child psychologist can help with an initial evaluation. These professionals can refer your child to other specialists, if needed.
Types of Learning Disabilities
According to LD Online, Some of the most common learning disabilities are:
Check the World Family Education page about Special Needs Resources by Location, which lists professional resources specific to various locations globally.
Also, read more about raising a child with special needs internationally at the World Family Education page Children with Special Needs.