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Resources for Christian Workers

Compiled by World Family Education

A subset of families living internationally are those involved in Christian service. These families have a unique cross-cultural lifestyle and are typically involved in sharing with others about their faith or in service ministries such as education, healthcare, social justice, literacy, or economic development.

The term “missionary” is often used to describe Christian workers living internationally. Sometimes this term connotes a certain stereotype — the person lives in a tribal village, goes without simple luxuries, or is preaching about God on street corners.

This could be true for some, but for many others, the missionary lifestyle may be urban, business-oriented, or immersed in the expatriate community. It depends largely on the purpose and goals of the ministry and the best environment for the family.

Christian workers living internationally come from a variety of countries, ethnic backgrounds, and cultures.

Usually those serving as international Christian workers are financially supported from their home culture. Sometimes finances are limited, which in turn, can limit options for schooling, support for special needs children, or social opportunities.

Because of the type of work these families are involved in, their needs can be complex. On this page, World Family Education has compiled some resources directed toward these kinds of families.

Transition Support

Barnabas International — A world-wide ministry of encouragement to missionaries, MKs, mission agencies, pastors to missionaries, and national pastors. Barnabas International provides retreats, pastoral care to missionaries on the field, and sponsors Mu Kappa (a ministry to missionary kids). Based in the U.S.

Interaction International — Provides training, programs, and advocacy for third culture kids and internationally mobile families. Based in the U.S.

Mission Training International — Provides pre-field training for both adults and children, debriefing and renewal for adults and children, an international congress on language learning, member care workshops for adults and kids, and family member care. Based in the U.S.

Asian Cross-Cultural Training Institute (ACTI) — ACTI serves churches and mission agencies with pre-field preparation and repatriation of their missionaries. ACTI seeks to impart the knowledge, skills, and character formation needed for cross-cultural workers to be effective in their ministries. Services in Singapore and Thailand.

Missions Interlink — Australian organization that provides training, events, and resources to equip cross-cultural Christian workers. Transition and re-entry seminars.

Le Rucher — French organization that provides both routine debriefing and crisis debriefing for individuals, families or teams, brief counselling, and training courses.

Center for Intercultural Training — U.S.-based organization that provides pre-field training and debriefing and distance learning for ongoing cross-cultural training.

MIssion Prep — Prepares Christians for effective cross-cultural ministry with pre-field training, language acquisition support, and debriefing. Based in Canada.

Counseling & Coaching

Family Counseling & Coaching — Many resource links at World Family Education for families serving in ministry overseas.

Alongside — A Christian retreat center in the United States offering professional counseling and shared community, designed to specifically help leaders emerge from burnout or breakdown.

Heartstreams Resources — Located in the United States, Heartstreams serves missionaries and humanitarian workers through offering programs of restoration and renewal for those wounded or depleted in service, providing education and prevention programs for cross-cultural workers relative to effectiveness training, care, and well-being. It also assists agency leaders through education and consultation as well as conducting and applying research.

Link Care Center — Link Care Center, in the United States, trains and counsels pastors, missionaries, and the community to help them be more effective in life and ministry.

Valeo — Valeo is an independent faith-based organization that serves those sent cross-culturally and assists them to stay engaged in their calling by providing preventative and restorative care to strengthen their well-being in life and work. Services available in the United States and online.

Family Care

Missionary Care — Missions and mental health resources from Ron and Bonnie Koteskey. Thorough site with numerous articles and downloadable ebooks.

Care and Wellbeing — Lots of information for Christian workers regarding spiritual, physical, and emotional care of their families. A section of, which is primarily designed for families in the SIL organization, but plentiful information for anyone seeking information about international education options.


Anchor Education — Educational consulting services and conferences for expatriate parents, students, other individuals and companies, primarily in Africa and the Middle East.

Services in Asia for Family Education (SAFE) — Services, consulting, and conferences for homeschooling English-speaking Christian expatriates in Asia.

Modular Study Group — A blended educational alternative that offers a mix of home teaching and traditional options. Clients from grades 7–12 come into a central location for one week a month. During that week they receive tutoring from qualified consultants in math, science, and English. During the following three weeks they are at home working on assignments from the MSG and filling out their curriculum with other subjects the parents choose and teach. Currently located in several cities in Asia.

TCK Education — Provides materials for families and teachers of students who are studying outside their home country. A section of, which is primarily designed for families in the SIL organization, but plentiful information for anyone seeking information about international education options.

Home Education/Child Care

Mission Nannys — Recruitment agency for help with childcare, homeschool, and other tasks so missionaries can serve.

Support for Missionary Kids (MKs)

International Association of Missionary Kids — Community for Christian MKs, adult MKs, parents of MKs. Site is produced by the Assemblies of God organization.

TCK Netherlands — Supports children of Dutch Christian workers living internationally.

MK Care — Supports children of German Christian workers living internationally.

MK Nest — Support and resources for children of Korean Christian workers living internationally. Offers transition seminars and training.

mKainos — Supports children of Korean Christian workers living internationally who are transitioning to universities in the United States. This organization works with MKs who are 18 years old and up.

Mu Kappa — A fraternal organizations for Christian MKs on college campuses across North America. Mu Kappa exists to encourage MKs, multicultural students, and international students in their cross-cultural transitions.

Canadian MK Network — Supports children of Canadian Christian workers living internationally. Offers transition seminars and training.

Gate House Ministries — Residential care in the U.S. for college-age missionary kids.

Paradise Mountain Ministries — Residential care in the U.S. for college-age missionary kids.
