World Family Education has developed this growing directory to help families find international schools in their location. The list includes more than 2,500 schools from nearly every country worldwide.
Schools in our directory have met at least two or more of the following criteria to be considered truly “international”:
To search for schools, select a country from the dropdown list. Filter your search further by adding the name of a city, type of curriculum, and/or religious affiliation. English is the primary language of instruction for listed schools unless noted otherwise in the school’s curriculum description.
Inclusion of a school in our database does not imply endorsement by World Family Education.
Deutsche Internationale Schule in Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Curriculum: German
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
French School in Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Curriculum: French
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
German School Tokyo Yokohama
Yokohama, Japan
Curriculum: German
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
Horizon Japan International School
Yokohama, Japan
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate, British National, Japanese National
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
India International School In Japan
Yokohama, Japan
Curriculum: Indian National
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
Saint Maur International School
Yokohama, Japan
Curriculum: British National, French Program, International Baccalaureate
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: Christian
Yokohama International School
Yokohama, Japan
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
Yogyakarta Independent School
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
Maple Leaf International School Yiwu
Yiwu, China
Curriculum: Canadian
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
CIS Armenia International School
Yerevan, Armenia
Curriculum: British National, Armenian National
Accredited: Yes
Religious Affiliation: None
To add a school to our directory or to make a correction, please contact us. Be sure to include the school’s name, city, country, curriculum, accreditation status, religious affiliation, and web address.